Senin, 28 Februari 2011



Hasil Budidaya peternakan sendiri & kemitraan dengan kelompok peternak  Dijamin sehat, alami dan bergizi tinggiterbebas dari kandungan bahan kimia berbahaya bagi tubuh manusia, Asli bebek perawan bukan bebek afkir jadi cita rasa lebih enak, empuk, tidak amis.

Kandungan gizi bebek/itik :
kalori 129 (kal), protein 20 (g), lemak 5 (g), besi 2 (mg),
vitamin B 100 (IU), berbeda agak jauh pada sisi kandungan vitamin B pada
daging ayam yang hanya sekitar 30 (IU).

Berat 1,2 kg / ekor     =   Rp. 45.000, / Ekor
Bebek Afkir  = Rp. 50.000 / ekor

Berat 0,9 kg - 1 kg / ekor = Rp. 50.000 / ekor (nego)
Berat 0,8 Kg / ekor = Rp.48.000,-

Rp.75.000 / Ekor

Rp.65.000,- Ekor
  • Penjualan bebek potong kondisi hidup  ekoran.
  • Penjualan bebek potong kondisi karkas dengan sistem GRADE beratnya.
  • Memiliki peternakan sendiri dan didukung dengan jaringan peternakan KEMITRAAN
  • Sistem cabut bulu MANUAL tangan tanpa mesin, tanpa pengawet/formalin
  • Bebek disembelih sesuai syariat, insya Allah HALAL 
  • Prosentase bersih bulu 99% (sedikit bulu halus yang berada di dalam kulit) 
  • Kualitas daging lebih sehat (di produksi tanpa bahan kimia dan obat) 
  • Cara  Pembelian : telah konfirmasi spesifikasi dan waktunya, pembayaran cash.

Ready Stock : 100 ekor / hari 
Harga tidak mengikat sewaktu waktu bisa berubah
Harga untuk di Kota Metro Lampung / luar Metro tambah ongkos kirim
Untuk Order Dalam Jumlah Banyak harga Bisa Nego 

  Jual :
DOD (Day Old Duck)  
Bebek Dara Untuk Petelur
Bebek Bayah & Siap Bertelur

 Alamat : 
Yosomulyo  Metro Pusat ,
 Kota Metro Lampung 34112
Contact Person :
 Telp/fax : 0725−42490
Hp : 082180809577, 08129347609,
Pin BB 292FA300
Website :
Email :

 Pengiriman bebek potong ke luar kota


Anda punya keluhan kaki/tangan kesemutan, Pegel Linu, Rheumatik , Asam Urat, Ambeyen, Encok, Gatal-Gatal, Kadas, Kudis, Ginjal Sesak Napas,Kepala Pusing,kaki Tangan Lemah, kencing Manis, Menguatkan Otot, Badan Terasa Lemah Lesu Tdk Bergairah atau punya Alergi Debu/makanan/dingin, sehingga bersin-bersin dan pilek tidak sembuh-sembuh, Coba Minum Jamu Cap dua Singa Insya Allah Dapat Sembuh Total..!! Buktikan..!!! Sangat Cocok Untuk Olahragawan dan Pekerja Berat. Dapat  diminum Laki-Laki/Perempuan baik tua maupun muda 

                   JAMU KUAT SINGA  SUPER  ON
                                       UNTUK VITALITAS SEX PRIA

                          Pegal Linu Besar  (600 ml)                              =   Rp. 20.000 / botol  (isi 12 btl/box)
                          Pegal Linu/Asam Urat/Antoyo  Kecil (150 ml) =   Rp.   7.500 / botol  (isi 50 btl/box)
                          Jamu Kuat Singa Super On  (110 ml)              =   Rp. 30.000 / botol  (isi 60 btl/box)
( Harga Fanco Metro, Lampung )
Untuk Luar Kota Plus Ongkos Kirim
Untuk Pembelian Jumlah Banyak Harga Bisa Nego
Harga Sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan.
Pengiriman Luar Kota Minimal satu box.
Untuk Pemesanan : 
Hp. 08129347609 , 082180809577, Pin BB : 292FA300
Email :
                                               Website :




Bebek Bayah Siap telur

untuk Sumber Pakan
Pembenihan Ikan
(lele, Patin, Gurame, ikan hias dll)


Bentuk tubuh cacing ini menyerupai rambut dengan panjang badan antara 1-3cm dengan tubuh berwarna merah kecoklatan dengan ruas-ruas. Cacing ini hidup dengan membentuk koloni di perairan jernih yang kaya bahan organik. Cacing ini meiliki 57% protein dan 13% lemak dalam tubuhnya.

Cacing sutra merupakan hewan hermaprodit yang berkembang biak
lewat telur secara eksternal. Telur yang dibuahi oleh jantan akan membelah
menjadi dua sebelum menetas.

Bahan organik yang baik untuk digunakan oleh cacing sutra adalah
campuran antara kotoran ayam, dedak (bekatul) dan lumpur. Berikut teknik budidaya cacing sutra:

1. Persiapan Bibit
Bibit bisa dibeli dari toko ikan hias atau diambil dari alam
Note: Sebaiknya bibit cacing di karantina dahulu karena ditakutkan
membawa bakteri patogen.

2. Persiapan Media
Media perkembangan dibuat sebagai kubangan lumpur dengan ukuran 1 x 2 meter yang dilengkapi saluran pemasukan dan pengeluaran air. Tiap tiap kubangan dibuat petakan petakan kecil ukuran 20 x 20 cm dengan tinggi bedengan atau tanggul 10 cm, antar bedengan diberi lubang dengan diameter 1 cm.

3. Pemupukan
Lahan di pupuk dengan dedak halus atau ampas tahu sebanyak 200 – 250 gr/M2 atau dengan pupuk kandang sebanyak 300 gr/ M2.

4. Fermentasi
Lahan direndam dengan air setinggi 5 cm selama 3-4 hari.

5. Penebaran Bibit
Selama Proses Budidaya lahan dialiri air dengan debit 2-5 Liter / detik

6. Tahapan Kerja Budidaya Cacing Sutra
Cacing sutra atau cacing rambut memang telah sejak lama dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu alternatif pakan ikan. Harga jual yang relatif tinggi, membuat bisnis cacing sutra cukup banyak dilirik orang.

Namun sayangnya, tidak banyak orang yang memahami teknis pembudidayaan cacing sutra ini. Berikut tahapan kerja yang harus dilakukan dalam pembudidayaan cacing sutra.

• Lahan uji coba berupa kolam tanah berukuran 8 x 1,5 m dengan kedalaman 30 cm. Dasar kolam uji coba ini hanya diisi dengan sedikit lumpur.

• Apabila matahari cukup terik, jemur kolam minimum sehari. Bersamaan dengan itu, kolam dibersihkan dari rumput atau hewan lain yang berpotensi menjadi hama bagi cacing sutra, seperti keong mas atau kijing.

. Pipa air keluar atau pipa pengeluaran dicek kekuatannya dan pastikan berfungsi dengan baik. Pipa pengeluaran ini sebaiknya terbuat dari bahan paralon berdiameter 2 inci dengan panjang sekitar 15 cm.

. Usai pengeringan dan penjemuran, usahakan kondisi dasar kolam bebas dari bebatuan dan benda-benda keras lainnya.

Hendaknya konstruksi tanah dasar kolam relatif datar atau tidak bergelombang.

. Dasar kolam diisi dengan lumpur halus yang berasal dari saluran atau kolam yang dianggap banyak mengandung bahan organik hingga ketebalan dasar lumpur mencapai 10 cm.

. Tanah dasar yang sudah ditambahi lumpur diratakan, sehingga benar-benar terlihat rata dan tidak terdapat lumpur yang keras.

. Untuk memastikannya, gunakan aliran air sebagai pengukur kedataran permukaan lumpur tersebut. Jika kondisinya benar-benar rata, berarti kedalaman air akan terlihat sama di semua bagian.

. Masukkan kotoran ayam kering sebanyak tiga karung ukuran kemasan pakan ikan, kemudian sebar secara merata dan selanjutnya bisa diaduk-aduk dengan kaki.

. Setelah dianggap datar, genangi kolam tersebut hingga kedalaman air maksimum 5 cm, sesuai panjang pipa pembuangan.

. Pasang atap peneduh untuk mencegah tumbuhnya lumut di kolam.

. Kolam yang sudah tergenang air tersebut dibiarkan selama satu minggu agar gas yang dihasilkan dari kotoran ayam hilang. Cirinya, media sudah tidak beraroma busuk lagi.

. Tebarkan 0,5 liter gumpalan cacing sutra dengan cara menyiramnya terlebih dahulu di dalam baskom agar gumpalannya buyar.

. Cacing sutra yang sudah terurai ini kemudian ditebarkan di kolam budi daya ke seluruh permukaan kolam secara merata.

. Seterusnya atur aliran air dengan pipa paralon berukuran 2/3 inci.

sumber : Bambang Sunarno, IN AzNA Books, 2010 


An incoming question to us that makes us a little thought for a moment to answer. The question is "I am interested in the duck business but I am still confused which one is more beneficial: if a business venture laying ducks or duck meat?". A brief question according to our will but to answer it is not easy. So on this occasion we tried to give some idea and solutions in dealing with the problem.
At the beginning of domestication (taming), all ducks are actually the same in shape, weight, ability to produce eggs, even in coat color. So, at first there was no distinction between laying ducks with duck meat. After domestication, selection and breeding ducks formed with weight, shape, and ability to produce eggs, and coat color variety. Ducks are prolific producing eggs called laying ducks in this case represented by female ducks were ducks are not productive of so-called broiler duck eggs which in this case represented by male and female ducks ducks culled.
Local ducks laying ahead of many kinds, among others mojosari duck, duck dost, Alabio, Magelang duck, duck cirebon, bali duck, duck meat was derived from male local ducks, enthok, ticktock, and peking duck. With science and technology perkembangnya generated a lot of ducks crossing that has the ability both egg and meat production is better than the parent as ticktock (mating ducks and enthok), queen and king duck (duck mojosari marriage and Alabio), and the other
Here are the things that we could be a consideration for selecting and initiating what is right for us, whether business or businesses laying ducks broiler duck.
The capital required to start a business laying ducks is greater than the capital required to start a business broiler duck. Laying ducks took about 5-6 months before they learned the results while the broiler ducks only took about 5-6 weeks for the results to be learned.
Maintenance management
Age maintenance of duck meat just until 5-6 weeks, the need for a starter 20-22% protein, 16-18% grower, freely feeding (ad libitum) . While the age of laying ducks maintenance can be up to 2-3 years with production beginning around the age of 5-6 months, need 20-22% protein for the starter, grower and layer 15-16% 19-20%, restricted feeding when aged 4-16 week.
Marketing the duck eggs is much easier than the market broiler duck ready for slaughter. Risks also accommodate smaller eggs than ducks ready to be cut to accommodate for harboring or hold sales for ducks ready for slaughter means we have to spend money that does little to feed and labor costs.
Our expectations in pioneering new business is successful, but not a few people who failed middle of the road. In pursue farming rural people have called mate-jodohan , because sometimes there are people who fit in raising goats or cows but when switched to breeding duck or chicken are always the loss he experienced. So is this duck business, the risk is not as big as broiler breeding duck if we raise laying ducks. After a period of 5-6 weeks later in doing business analysis and if the result is negative then the business may be closed so that the loss is only about 5-6 weeks. As for laying ducks we must wait at least 7 months to find out about our efforts to benefit or not. If it turns out negative then analyzed the results of our losses we can imagine themselves
Conclusions and Solutions
We think the best option is to combine the two businesses in a time sequence. Laying ducks labored effort goes together with duck meat business. Why? Harvest laying ducks are still around 5-6 months, during which we must get out of the ongoing costs. Well, to support those costs could diusahan broiler duck. So the profit from the sale of broiler ducks can support the cost of laying ducks. The context in this case if we start another venture petelurnya directly from duck duck eggs ready (BAYAH) and you are the person who cashed thick. May be useful * (SPT)

, Many of the practitioners, academics and farmers immediately believed that ducks have better disease resistance than other poultry such as chicken. So it sometimes makes some of us careless in maintaining the health of our ducks. Ducks still duck, does not mean ducks will not be attacked by the disease and the possibility of developing the disease persists. Therefore farmers should know the importance of efforts to keep the ducks in order to stay healthy in the future is able to display the optimal production. According to our farmers still need to be equipped with bio-security efforts both groups and individuals as well as early recognition of the symptoms of the disease that may arise.
Here we say a few businesses that can make us healthy ducks. This article is partly we took from the books and knowledge duck us personally, so do not rule out the possibility that there are many shortcomings and rectification. For that we ask to practitioners, academics or other breeders who read this article can provide feedback or comments or even tips his experiences in order to add our knowledge of benefit to others. Sanitation Want recognized or not that sanitation plays an important role as a major effort in the prevention of disease . Sanitation includes cleaning cages, cages equipment hygiene, hygiene of feed (feed quality), as well as managers. If now we further specialize the cage cage sanitation problems should not be moist duck, duck excrement and food remains that could not accumulate so as to cause the odor. Effort we can do so we're not too humid cage is as follows:

  1. Giving straw bedding, in addition to be able to absorb water as well as efforts to reduce the risk of broken eggs and keep the egg shells remain clean
  2. Designing and designing the enclosure so that sunlight can enter the cage
  3. Do not put the food or drink in a permanent roofed enclosure
Giving Space
Like the man who did the activity, ducks also need to move. Intensively reared ducks have limited space yag. The restrictions on movement have a reason that is so effective ducks feed consumed for the production and reproduction. That is why we are required to be very clever in arranging space so that ducks can still feel comfortable and not overcrowding.
Feeding Method
Most likely, the source of the disease usually comes from feeding ducks that have been poisoned, the feed that has been invaded by fungi, musty, and lice. Method of feeding and feed storage method can potentially be a major cause of toxic feed. Effort we can do is try to provide a clean feed, fresh and free from toxins.
Ducks cannibal
cannibal ducks The main cause is the wrong diet. As for other causes cannibal ducks, among others:
  1. The nutritional requirements are not sufficient to duck his neighbor's body being targeted.
  2. The number of ducks in one cage too dense, so the ducks will fight each other to get a comfortable place. To note that the density of the cage as well as its range
  3. The air inside the enclosure is too hot, high humidity. To cope with this cage needs to be given adequate ventilation
  4. There are other ducks (duck new) enter into another group of ducks.
Giving Traditional Recipes
duck breeders in Tegal and Cirebon has a traditional way in order to stay healthy Itiknya. Among these ways:
  1. To nourish the body, duck stew sugar and acid are given 2-3 times in a month. Method of administration by mixing in water Minun. This herb is believed to be beneficial to refresh breed ducks.
  2. In order not poisoned ducks, ducks were given water decoction of leaves of Venus. How: 1kg Venus leaves boiled with water to shrink as much as 1-1.5 liters to 0.5 liters, and boiling water is mixed into the drinking water ducks. This herb can be to 100 ducks
  3. To avoid poisoning, ducks can also be boiled papaya leaves. How to make it the same as making leaf decoction johar above
  4. To increase the appetite of ducks using pace or sere leaves. Pace or the sere leaves sliced ​​into small pieces and mixed with the feed. Administered once every two weeks, 1 kg to 100 ducks
  5. To kill the worms can by mixing papaya papaya leaves or flowers are finely chopped. Giving enough 2 weeks or once a month
The above efforts would need to be tried and practiced, because kindness is greater than the value of its shortcomings. And once again for those who have experience about this problem can provide comments or additional useful because life is lived when could provide benefits to others. May God repay us all. Aamiin

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